20/31 |
Psalterium feriatum |
1st half of 13th c. |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
116 |
carolina formata |
no |
21/33 |
Graduale |
1st half of 14th c. |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
114 |
gothica textualis |
Gothic |
22/30 |
Breviarium |
late 14th c. (likely mid 1380s, parts after 1386) |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
646 |
gothica formata; gothica textualis |
Gothic |
23/32 |
Breviarium Pragense et Olomucense |
mid 14th c. (before 1355) |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
627 |
gothica formata; gothica textualis |
Gothic |
24/24 |
Psalterium feriatum |
early 14th c. (part before 1355) and early 15th c. |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
74 |
gothica formata; gothica textualis |
Gothic |
25/28 |
Breviarium Olomucense |
early 15th c. (shortly after 1410) |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
473 |
gothica textualis; gothica cursiva |
Gothic |
26/25 |
Breviarium Olomucense |
early 15th c. (shortly after 1410) |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
III+690 |
gothica textualis; gothica cursiva |
Gothic |
27/29 |
Breviarium |
late 15th c. |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
387 |
gothico-humanistica formata; gothico-humanistica semicursiva |
Gothic |
28/26 |
Breviarium Olomucense |
1498-1499 |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
289 |
gothico-humanistica semicursiva; gothico-humanistica cursiva |
Gothic |
29/35 |
Psalterium feriatum |
1473 |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
VII+196 |
gothico-humanistica semicursiva; gothico-humanistica cursiva; gothica textualis |
Gothic |
30/72 |
Guillelmus Durandus, Rationale divinorum officiorum (Lib. I-VIII) |
late 14th + early 15th c. |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
319 |
gothica textualis |
Gothic |
31/98a |
Nicolaus Stoer: De officio missae; Johannes Hoffmann, episcopus Misnensis: Tractatus contra communionem sub utraque specie; Sermo prolixus de Corpore Christi; Tractatus de octo speciebus turpitudinis coniugalis; De nocturna pollutione; Vita matrimon |
1st half of 15th c. |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
269 |
gothica cursiva |
Gothic |
32/98b |
Guillelmus Durandus, Rationale divinorum officiorum a libro VI°usque ad VIIIum; Sermones |
mid 15th c. + 1460 |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
201 |
gothico-humanistica cursiva |
Gothic |
33/71 |
Rubricae missrum secundum consuetudinem ecclesiae Olomucensis per circulum anni de tempore, de sanctis et commune sanctorum. |
1392 |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
110 |
gothica cursiva |
Gothic |
34/42 |
Novum testamentum cum prologis; Vocabularium Latino-Bohemicum Novi testamenti dificiliora verba continens; Vetus testamentum cum prologis |
1433 |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat; ces |
280 |
gothica semicursiva |
Gothic |
35/43 |
Novum testamentum cum prologis et passim glossa interlineari Bohemica; Elenchus seu pericopae omnium epistularum et evangeliorum per circulum anni |
early 15th c. |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat; ces |
I+209 |
gothica semicursiva |
Gothic |
36/73 |
Franciscus de Abbatibus OM, Postilla de tempore |
late 14th c. |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
127 |
gothica textualis |
Gothic |
37/46 |
Vesta testamentum cum glossa interlineari |
1401–1402 + 15th c. (3 ff.) |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
263 |
gothica textualis semicursiva |
Gothic |
38/62 |
Nicolaus de Gorran OP: Expositio super Isaiam |
early 15th c. |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
II+204+II |
gothica textualis |
Gothic |
39/68 |
Robert Holcot OP: Postilla super librum Sapientiae; Liber Sapientiae |
2nd half 14th c. |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
216 |
gothíca textualis semicursiva; gothica cursiva |
Gothic |
40/74 |
Iohannes de Hesdinio OMelit., Postilla super librum Iob |
late 14th c. + early 15th c. |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat; ces |
336 |
gothica textualis semicursiva |
Gothic |
41/79 |
Nicolaus de Gorran OP., Expositio super Psalterium a psalmo I° usque ad LXVIIIum. |
early 15th c. |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat; ces |
II+247 |
gothica textualis semicursiva; gothica cursiva |
Gothic |
42/65 |
Zacharias Chrysopolitanus OPraem., Super unum ex quattuor sive Concordantia evangelistarum; Quaestiones s. Augustíni Cantuariensis archlepiscopi |
1390 |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
I+288+II |
gothica textualis |
Gothic |
43/63 |
Nicolaus de Gorran OP, Exposito super Lucam |
1366-1433 |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
I+280+I |
gothica cursiva; gothica formata |
Gothic |
44/109d |
Nicolaus Gorran OP (recte Petrus de Tarantasia OP posteríus lnnocentius V. papa), Commentarius super epistulas Pauli ad Romanos et ad Corínthios |
early 15th c. |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
257 |
gothica textualis |
Gothic |
45/45 |
Novum testamentum - Ab epistula s. Pauli ad Romanos usque ad Apocalipsim cum Actibus apostolorum; Epistula Hrabaní Mauri ad Thietmarum; Beda Venerabilis, potius Walafridus Strabo, Sermo in Matthaeum |
early 15th c. |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
99 |
gothico-bastarda semicursiva |
Gothic |
46/69 |
Glossa ordinaria |
mid 14th c. |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
168 |
gothica textualis formata |
Gothic |
47/44 |
De officio Nativitatis Chrístí; Epistularius et leccionarius per circulum anni |
2nd half of 14th c. |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
96 |
gothíca formata |
late 15th-c. |
48/64 |
Nicolaus de Gorran OP, potius Petrus Lombardus, Expositiones super omnes epistulas Pauli |
1395 (1395.01.20) |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
I+276+II |
gothíca textualis semícursiva |
Gothic |
49/88a |
Fridericus CRSA, prior fr. S. Augustini in Sternberk, Postilla Consolatio spiritus de tempore, pars prima, hiemalis |
1400 |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
275 |
gothica textualis semícursiva |
Gothic |
50/88b |
Fridericus CRSA, prior fr. S. Augustini in Sternberk, Postilla Consolatio spiritus de tempore, pars secunda aestivalis |
1418 (1418.07.15) |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
314 |
gothica textualis semicursiva |
Gothic |
51/60 |
Pseudo-Thomas de Aquino, Pseudo-Nicolaus de Lyra saepe Hugo de Sancto Caro OP, Commentarius in Apocalypsim; Nicolaus Gorran OP, Commentarii super epistulas |
1387 (1387.04.25) |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
245 |
gothica cursiva |
Gothic |
52/81 |
Sermones (Lucas de Bitonto OM, Rupertus Parisiensis?, Berlholdus de Ratisbona OM…); Pseudo-Bernhardus Claraevallensis, Meditatíones |
1st half of 14th c. |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
198 |
gothica textualis semicursiva |
Gothic |
53/109b |
Sermones |
mid 15th c. |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
353 |
gothica textualis cursiva |
Gothic |
54/109c |
Hugo de S. Caro OP, Postilla de tempore, pars hiemalis; Conradus Holtnicker de Saxonia OM, Speculum BMV; Ordo ad íntrorusandum plebanum; Milicius de Chremsir, Quadrigesimale; De eleclione imperatoris et notae variae |
1421 |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
259 |
gothica textualis cursiva |
Gothic |
55/109e |
Bertrandus de Turre OM, Quadragesimale; Aldobrandinus de Toscanella OP, Sermo in dominica secunda in Quadragesima |
early 15th c. |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
VI+300 |
gothica textualis |
Gothic |
56/92 |
Franciscus de Senis, potius Aldobrandinus de Tuscanella OP, Postilla de tempore ab Adventu usque ad Quadragesimam; Franciscus de Senis, potius Aldobrandinus de Tuscanella OP, lacobus de Voragine OP, Conradus Waldhausen et alii, Postilla de tempore a |
14/15th c. |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
383 |
gothica textualis |
Gothic |
57/100 |
Conceptus praedicabiles Guillelmi Peraldi OP, Iohannis de s. Geminiano OP, Thomae de Aquino OP, Aldobrandini de Cavalcantibus OP; De Antichristo; De erroribus ludaeorum; Sermones+C62 |
2nd half of 14th c. |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
53 |
gothica textualis semicursiva |
Gothic |
58/83 |
Antonius Azaro de Parma OP, Postilla de tempore; Peregrinus de Oppeln OP, Sermones quattuor; Sermones varii; Libri de omnibus ceremonialibus, quae sunt pro ecclesia |
1357? (1357?.08.14), 14/15th + mid-15th c. |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
171 |
gothica textualis; gothica textualis cursiva |
Gothic |
59/87 |
Sermones de tempore; Odo de Cheriton, Tractatulus de poenitentia; Canon missae cum glossa; Remedia varia contra diversos morbos |
mid-15th c. |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
309 |
gothico-humanistica cursiva; gothica semicursiva; gothico-bastarda cursiva |
Gothic |
60/84 |
Petrus Aureoli OM., Quaestiones super quartum librum Sententiarum; Sermones; Liber Anselmi; De septem donis Spiritus sancti; De poenis infernalibus; De gloria corporis et animae; De claustro; De septem mortalibus peccatis; Iuramentum |
2nd half of 14th c. |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
36 |
gothica semicursiva; gothica cursiva currens |
Gothic |
61/85 |
Bertrandus de Turre OM, Postilla de tempore ab Adventu usque ad Quadragesimam; Sermones; Caesarius de Heisterbach OCist., Postilla de tempore, pars hiemalis et aestiva |
early 15th c. |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
312 |
gothica textualis; gothica semicursiva |
Gothic |
62/90 |
Martinus Polonus de Oppavia O.P., Postilla de sanctis; Orationes, hymni, cantica de B. Virgine Maria; Sermones varii de tempore; Abbreviationes librorum Sententiarum Petri Lombardi; Pseudo-Haimo de Halberstadt, Commentarii super Apocalypsim libri se |
early 15th c. |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
311 |
gothica semicursiva; gothica cursiva; bastarda cursiva |
Gothic |
63/97 |
Franciscus de Senis, potius Aldobrandinus de Tuscanella O.P., Nicolaus de Asculo O.P., Nicolaus de Lyra OM, Matthaeus de Cracovia, Sermones de tempore et de sanctis a festo Corporis Christi usque ad Adventum |
late 14th c./early 15th c. |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
I+304 |
gothica textualis; gothico-humanistica cursiva |
Gothic |
64/96 |
Iacobus de Voragine, Legenda aurea; Auctoritates Patrum de caritate Dei, de cogitatione, de elemosina, de ieiunio, de immunditia, de die iudicii, de passione Christi, de perseverantia; Peregrinus de Oppeln O.P., Postilla de tempore; Postilla de temp |
late 14th c./early 15th c. |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
322 |
gothica semicursiva; gothica cursiva |
Gothic |
65/80 |
Conradus de Brundelsheim, alias Soccus OCist., Postilla; Iohannes Milicius de Cremsier, Postilla de sanctis - Abortivus; Franciscus de Abbatibus OM., Postilla quadragesimalis; Augustinus de Ancona OESA, Expositio super orationem Pater noster; Instru |
late 14th c./early 15th c. |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
271 |
gothica textualis semicursiva |
Gothic |
66/82 |
Postilla de sanctis, pars hiemalis; Sermones, Postilla de sanctis, pars aestiva; Bonum notabile de missa; Versus varii de Biblia; Oratio et notae variae |
1st half of 15th c./mid 15th c. |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat, ces |
187 |
gothica textualis semicursiva; gothico-humanistica cursiva |
Gothic |
67/61 |
Bertrandus de Turre OM, Postilla quadragesimalis et de tempore a feria quarta in Cinerum usque dominicam secundam post Pentecoste |
early 15th c. |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
VIII+276 |
gothica textualis |
Gothic |
68/102 |
Iacobus de Voragine OP, Quadragesimale per duos cursus quadra-gesimales |
2nd half of 14th c. |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
154 |
gothica textualis |
Gothic |
69/104 |
Homiliae in evangelia per circulum anni |
2nd half of 14th c. |
Svatojakubská knihovna |
lat |
161 |
gothica textualis |
Gothic |