Results 123
Shelfmark Title Dating Collections ff. Script Binding
1 Graduale 1494 Svatojakubská knihovna lat 267 gothica formata Gothic
2 Graduale 1493 Svatojakubská knihovna lat 112 gothica formata Gothic
6 Missale Olomucense early 15th c. (before 1435) Svatojakubská knihovna lat 247 gothica formata Gothic
7 Missale Olomucense (Ulrici de Krumlov) early 15th c. (before 1423) Svatojakubská knihovna lat 267 gothica formata; gothica textualis; bastarda Gothic
15 Missale Olomucense 14/15th c. Svatojakubská knihovna lat 334 gothica formata; gothica textualis Gothic
17 Missale Olomucense 1490-1495 Svatojakubská knihovna lat 344 gothica formata; gothica textualis Gothic
18 Missale plenarium Cisterciense late 13th c. Svatojakubská knihovna lat 108 gothica formata; gothica textualis Gothic
34 Breviarium Pragense 1393 + early 15th c. Svatojakubská knihovna lat 426 gothica textualis Gothic
75 Prelotuciones bonae ex naturalibus compendiose extractae super omnes dominicas per anni circulum habitas; Expositio in Cantica cantorum; Collatio in concilio Constantinensi per Iacobum Ballardi episcopum Laudensem anno 1415, 6 Iulii facta; Sermo de 1350-1457 Svatojakubská knihovna lat; deu I+192 humanistico-gothica semícursiva; gothico-humanistica semicursiva; gothica textualis cursiva Gothic
114/123 Iohannes Andreae: Summula super quarto libro Decretalium, Iohannes Andreae: Lectura super arborem consanguinitatis et affinitatis; Pseudo-Seneca: De remediis fortuitorum; Libellus de fine huius mundi; Guillelmus de S. Amore: Liber de periculis eccle mid 14th c. Svatojakubská knihovna lat 50 gothica textualis Gothic
118 Summa Decratalium cum apparatu Henrici de Merseburg; Henricus de Odendorp: Lectura super Caput Omnis utriusque sexus; Iohannes Andreae: Lectura super arborem consanguinitatis et affinitatis; Franciscus de Zabarellis: Exposito arboris consanguinitati mid 15th c. (1455) Svatojakubská knihovna lat 316 gothica textualis; humanistica; gothica cursiva Gothic
1/10 Missale Pragense et Olomucense praepositi Nicolai c. 1355 + late 14th c. Svatojakubská knihovna lat 406 gothica formata; gothica textualis Gothic
2/16 Missale Olomucense? 4/4 of 15th c. (after 1476) Svatojakubská knihovna lat 331 gothica formata; gothica textualis Gothic
3/20 Missale Olomucense late 15th c. Svatojakubská knihovna lat 336 gothica formata; gothica textualis Gothic
4/13 Missale Olomucense 2nd half of 14th c. Svatojakubská knihovna lat IV+242 gothica formata; gothica textualis Gothic
5/9 Missale Olomucense? mid 15th c. Svatojakubská knihovna lat 256 gothica formata; gothica textualis Gothic
6/11 Missale plenarium Olomucense? 1st half of 14th c. Svatojakubská knihovna lat 177 gothica formata; gothica textualis Gothic
7/22 Missale Olomucense? early 15th c. + 2nd half of 14th c. Svatojakubská knihovna lat 274 gothica semicursiva; gothica formata Gothic
8/14 Missale Pragense mid 14th c. (before 1380) Svatojakubská knihovna lat 230 gothica semicursiva; gothica formata; gothica semicursiva Gothic
9/12 Missale Olomucense c. 1390 Svatojakubská knihovna lat 324 gothica formata; gothica textualis Gothic
10/8 Missale Olomucense early 15th c. (1413?) Svatojakubská knihovna lat 348 gothica formata; gothica textualis Gothic
11/21 Missale Olomucense early 14th c. (after 1412, maybe 1415-1420) Svatojakubská knihovna lat 291 gothica formata; gothica textualis Gothic
12/23 Missale Olomucense early 15th c. (c. 1415) Svatojakubská knihovna lat 275 gothica formata; gothica textualis Gothic
13/19 Missale Olomucense early 15th c. (c. 1415) Svatojakubská knihovna lat 274 gothica formata; gothica textualis Gothic
17/37 Psalterium 2nd half of 13th c. Svatojakubská knihovna lat 133 gothica formata; gothica textualis later
18/36 Psalterium feriatum 2nd half of 13th c. Svatojakubská knihovna lat 103 gothica formata; gothica textualis Gothic
19/27 Psalterium feriatum early 14th c. (before 1355) Svatojakubská knihovna lat 109 gothica formata; gothica textualis Gothic
20/31 Psalterium feriatum 1st half of 13th c. Svatojakubská knihovna lat 116 carolina formata no
21/33 Graduale 1st half of 14th c. Svatojakubská knihovna lat 114 gothica textualis Gothic
22/30 Breviarium late 14th c. (likely mid 1380s, parts after 1386) Svatojakubská knihovna lat 646 gothica formata; gothica textualis Gothic
23/32 Breviarium Pragense et Olomucense mid 14th c. (before 1355) Svatojakubská knihovna lat 627 gothica formata; gothica textualis Gothic
24/24 Psalterium feriatum early 14th c. (part before 1355) and early 15th c. Svatojakubská knihovna lat 74 gothica formata; gothica textualis Gothic
25/28 Breviarium Olomucense early 15th c. (shortly after 1410) Svatojakubská knihovna lat 473 gothica textualis; gothica cursiva Gothic
26/25 Breviarium Olomucense early 15th c. (shortly after 1410) Svatojakubská knihovna lat III+690 gothica textualis; gothica cursiva Gothic
27/29 Breviarium late 15th c. Svatojakubská knihovna lat 387 gothico-humanistica formata; gothico-humanistica semicursiva Gothic
28/26 Breviarium Olomucense 1498-1499 Svatojakubská knihovna lat 289 gothico-humanistica semicursiva; gothico-humanistica cursiva Gothic
29/35 Psalterium feriatum 1473 Svatojakubská knihovna lat VII+196 gothico-humanistica semicursiva; gothico-humanistica cursiva; gothica textualis Gothic
30/72 Guillelmus Durandus, Rationale divinorum officiorum (Lib. I-VIII) late 14th + early 15th c. Svatojakubská knihovna lat 319 gothica textualis Gothic
31/98a Nicolaus Stoer: De officio missae; Johannes Hoffmann, episcopus Misnensis: Tractatus contra communionem sub utraque specie; Sermo prolixus de Corpore Christi; Tractatus de octo speciebus turpitudinis coniugalis; De nocturna pollutione; Vita matrimon 1st half of 15th c. Svatojakubská knihovna lat 269 gothica cursiva Gothic
32/98b Guillelmus Durandus, Rationale divinorum officiorum a libro VI°usque ad VIIIum; Sermones mid 15th c. + 1460 Svatojakubská knihovna lat 201 gothico-humanistica cursiva Gothic
33/71 Rubricae missrum secundum consuetudinem ecclesiae Olomucensis per circulum anni de tempore, de sanctis et commune sanctorum. 1392 Svatojakubská knihovna lat 110 gothica cursiva Gothic
34/42 Novum testamentum cum prologis; Vocabularium Latino-Bohemicum Novi testamenti dificiliora verba continens; Vetus testamentum cum prologis 1433 Svatojakubská knihovna lat; ces 280 gothica semicursiva Gothic
35/43 Novum testamentum cum prologis et passim glossa interlineari Bohemica; Elenchus seu pericopae omnium epistularum et evangeliorum per circulum anni early 15th c. Svatojakubská knihovna lat; ces I+209 gothica semicursiva Gothic
36/73 Franciscus de Abbatibus OM, Postilla de tempore late 14th c. Svatojakubská knihovna lat 127 gothica textualis Gothic
37/46 Vesta testamentum cum glossa interlineari 1401–1402 + 15th c. (3 ff.) Svatojakubská knihovna lat 263 gothica textualis semicursiva Gothic
38/62 Nicolaus de Gorran OP: Expositio super Isaiam early 15th c. Svatojakubská knihovna lat II+204+II gothica textualis Gothic
39/68 Robert Holcot OP: Postilla super librum Sapientiae; Liber Sapientiae 2nd half 14th c. Svatojakubská knihovna lat 216 gothíca textualis semicursiva; gothica cursiva Gothic
40/74 Iohannes de Hesdinio OMelit., Postilla super librum Iob late 14th c. + early 15th c. Svatojakubská knihovna lat; ces 336 gothica textualis semicursiva Gothic
41/79 Nicolaus de Gorran OP., Expositio super Psalterium a psalmo I° usque ad LXVIIIum. early 15th c. Svatojakubská knihovna lat; ces II+247 gothica textualis semicursiva; gothica cursiva Gothic
42/65 Zacharias Chrysopolitanus OPraem., Super unum ex quattuor sive Concordantia evangelistarum; Quaestiones s. Augustíni Cantuariensis archlepiscopi 1390 Svatojakubská knihovna lat I+288+II gothica textualis Gothic