
Cheb Franciscans

Klášter františkánů Cheb
Repository: National Library of the Czech Republic

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all medieval lost fragment mixed with print later fragment 16th century others

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List of manuscripts
Shelfmark Title Dating Lang Material Ff Ilum Music Script Binding Links
Cheb MS. 46/131 Sermones de tempore et de sanctis XV/XVI lat pap 328 None
Cheb MS. 46/168 Antiphonae, cantus, orationes XV/XVI lat perg+pap 73 None
Cheb MS. 46/171 Konvolut latinských a německých textů XV/XVI lat; deu None
Cheb MS. 46/237 [Schuldbekenntniss] XVI deu None
Cheb MS. 147 [Schuldbekenntnis einer Schwester des III. Ordens S. Francisci] XV deu None
Cheb MS. 151 Bartholomaeus Albicus: De conformitate vitae sancti Francisci 1497 lat pap 505 None
Cheb MS. 157 Textus varii 1482-1528 lat pap 376 None
Cheb MS. fragm. 1 Schwarzwälder Predigten 1/2 of 15th c. deu None
Cheb MS. fragm. 2 Fragmenta sermonum XV lat pap 2 None
Cheb MS. fragm. 3 Fragmentum tractatus de medicina: cura morborum XIV lat pap 1 None