
Křivoklát Castle Library

Zámecká knihovna Křivoklát
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Repository: Křivoklát Castle Library

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all medieval lost fragment mixed with print later fragment 16th century others

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List of manuscripts
Shelfmark Title Dating Lang Material Ff Ilum Music Script Binding Links
I b 26 Cicero: Von den Ampten 1461 deu pap 74 None
I c 9 Arzneibuch mid-15th c. deu pap 111 None
I c 13 Cicero: De officiis 1460 lat perg 83 il. None
I c 19 Epistolae Pseudo-Diogenis Sinopensis et Pseudo-Bruti et alia (e.g. orationes funebris) late 15th c. lat pap 61 None
I c 28 Život Adamuov a Evin; Barlaam a Josafat 1502 + 2nd half 16th c. ces pap 159 il. None
I c 37 Nový zákon 2nd half 15th c. ces perg 299 il. None
I d 3 Stundenbuch 14th/15th c. deu perg 156 il. None
I d 4 Manuale horarum, orationum et benedictionum fr. Andreae Craft 15th/16th c. lat pap 250 music None
I d 13 Právní sborník Václava ze Semechova 1499-1507 ces; lat pap 296 il. None
I d 16 Práva česká panská 1451 + 2nd half 15th c. ces pap 107 None