
Křivoklát Castle Library

Zámecká knihovna Křivoklát
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Repository: Křivoklát Castle Library

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all medieval lost fragment mixed with print later fragment 16th century others

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List of manuscripts
Shelfmark Title Dating Lang Material Ff Ilum Music Script Binding Links
I a 40 Nicolai de Lyra Postilla litteralis in Vetus Testamentum 2nd half 15th c. lat pap 247 None
I b 3 Práva městská 1473 ces; lat pap 224 il. None
I b 6 Stricker Karl der Grosse; Kampf der sieben Tugenden wider die sieben Untugenden 2nd half 15th c. deu pap 130 None
I b 11 Petri Lombardi Sententiarum libri IV 2nd half 13th c. lat perg 159 il. None
I b 15 Genealogie deorum gentilium secundum Iohanem Bocatium de Certaldo 2nd half 13th c. lat mix 446 il. None
I b 17 Missale; Rituale 1426 + 1st half 15th c. lat pap 181 music None
I b 18 Wirnt von Grafenberg Wigalois 1481 deu pap 177 None
I b 19 Petri de Riga Aurora et Floridus aspectus; Compendium historiae Bibliae; Exordium humane salvacionis 2nd half 14th c. lat pap 128 None
I b 23 Psalterium 1st half 14th c. lat perg 149 il. None
I b 25 Das buech der ertzney mid-15th c. (1450+1455) + 16th c. deu pap 212 None