
Cistercian Abbey of Vyšší Brod

Cisterciácké opatství Vyšší Brod
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Repository: Cistercian Abbey of Vyšší Brod

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all medieval lost fragment mixed with print later fragment 16th century others

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List of manuscripts
Shelfmark Title Dating Lang Material Ff Ilum Music Script Binding Links
107 15th c. pap None
118 Summa poenitentiae 1382 lat pap None
119 Missale Cisterciense 14+15th c. lat pap None
120 15th c. pap None
121 Historia Ioseph 15th c. lat pap None
122 15th c. pap None
123 De neocosmo (Hexameron); Historie super rubricam que dicitur Rota in medio rote; Pharetra fidei 14+15th c. lat pap None
CCV Graduale fragmentum 12/13th c. lat perg 1 None
CCVI Hebrejský zlomek 14th c. ? heb perg 1 None
CCVII Lectionarii fragmentum 14th c. lat perg 2 None